segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2014

the GazettE 12 th anniversary

I could put any picture of them here to celebrate this 12th anniversary of the band... The most recent visual or the oldest, the first one I saw, my favorite visual, my favorite song, my favorite PV... Our story now is beautiful...

But I chose RED. I always choose RED... Because this song sums up everything I think of them , all I feel for them...

When I met them, I didn't want to fall in love. When I realized, I had already walked too far and I discovered that they had taken me beyond the darkness that I had gotten myself into... I found that they turned me in person I always wanted to be.

Every new year, new birthday, I fill me with hope that they will be eternal, as the love I feel for them... I swear I try to be realistic! Saying to myself "bands end up every day" and I know that behind these serious and professional expressions are humans who can fight and falling out... But March 10 is the day that I go back to a year I don't already know them... I go back to the date on which they were formed, as if I had been there... And everything's magic in this world...

I chose RED because they made me believe! And it was not just one thing: they made me believe in myself , in Fate, in Akai Ito!

I chose RED because I hope that today, in this 12th anniversary of the band, they continue searching by what thay was seeking at this time!

I could say a thousand things I like most about this band, but I'll limit myself to say that what I like most about them is the fact they call their fans "Six Guns" . We're not just fans, we're not just family, we're part of the band and part of themselves!

I BELIEVE in the GazettE!

Sereny Kyle

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