domingo, 2 de fevereiro de 2014

Ron and Hermione

Seven years ago, J. K. Rowling released "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," three the eighth film in the saga came out of the theaters and the Pottermore site went live. Do not have a day that you go online and not find messages from fans swearing never let the series end in their hearts ... At least ten people saying "Harry Potter will only have an end when the last fan die," that "J. K. Rowling has made each one of us a Horcrux"...

Why, after all this, she needed to talk such a thing in an interview? Looks like she's wanting attention (as if she needed it ...)!

She didn't have to say "hey, what do you guys think of a new book?" No. It was enough to say "hey, why don't you send me questions on twitter about Harry?" as Rick Riordan does! We would all be happy again, as if we had our best friends in the dormitories at Hogwarts!

Harry Potter is and always will be much more than a series of books and J. K. Rowling is more than a writer for all of us, Harry Potter has created a new generation of readers, she is our inspiration and, as such, she could continue measuring what she says as she had been doing so well lately, instead of saying that regretted one thing that was important, not for a hundred, a thousand or ten thousand children and teenagers, but for an entire generation, which is now questioning what to believe, just because she thought she should say that she regretted leaving Hermione with Ron and not Harry!

Either you die a sucess or you live long enough to spit on the hand that feeds you...
Sereny Kyle

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