terça-feira, 17 de setembro de 2013

Love is a million of little things

Love is a million of little things (Adriana Lisboa, “Um Beijo de Colombina”. Ed. Rocco)

Of course there is more than one kind of love ... There are thousands ... There is a mother's love, the love of a father, a brother's love, the love of friend and best friend, a love for the sunset and the rain, love for chocolate cake and lasagna for the grandmother, there hidden love, unrequited, lost ... There is love for the moments and the memories ... There is love to love and be loved!
                 The love for each other seems to have lost a bit the concept of small things ... People today just want  the fast things, each time with less flavor ...
                 People seem to have forgotten that the good part of falling in love is been caught completely by surprise by the feeling, is to find out you're in love and laugh for not having realized before that would happen...
                 The fear of loneliness made ​​people lose the will of wait for that real love ... But what they seek is not love, is the company ... When they be tired or want another company, they say goodbye and nothing remains... Only empty ...
                 Love is feeling chill, it feels breathless, it's feeling time does not pass (or it goes too fast), it is to feel adrenaline, it is missing, it is want to laugh and want to cry, you want to scream and have no voice, it is to have a voice and want to explode. Love is what makes it unique in the world.

Sereny Kyle

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