terça-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2013

Happy New Year

In 2013 we had the year of the black water snake , a year of innovations , surprises , to trace goals and to truly engage them . A year that asked precise and appropriate action to have estabelecêssemos firm foundations that endure and that will support future stages of life . The year 2014 will be the year of the Horse .
The horse is always governed by the element of fire , along with the element that rules the year, which causes the years governed by it are large and deep transformations , big moves and even turbulent years .
At the same time, it is a great opportunity to put into practice old projects and ideas that have not left the paper and make major changes in their personal and professional life , once the horse is a powerful animal, willing worker and vivacious , which in favors in times of adversity .
The horse is a universal symbol and is known to be a great ally of the human being, a tireless worker , symbol of strength when well directed can lead us very far .
Sereny Kyle

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